Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Summer Eats

I'm really done with the North Sea Stole, but I haven't gotten my lazy rump to weave in the ends yet or take photos. So instead, I leave you with an abbreviated version of the past few days chez Sway:

George Harrison tunes at Karaoke w/silly, drunken friends

A bowl of ripe avocados

Cherry Tomatoes, sans salmonella

Sprigs of Cilantro and some squeezed-out Lemons 'n Limes

A handful of diced red onions


Add a picnic blanket, blue corn tortilla chips, several cold Coronas, and the Philharmonic in Central Park's Great Lawn, and we have ourselves a wonderful summer night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


My kids and I love playing Karaoke Revolution at home! I can't do it in public though.