Like a lot of people, I'm tightening my belt b/c A) my freelancing always goes down in the summer and B) I have a lot of traveling/wedding-going to do over the next couple months and I need to economize.
The wedding stuff in particular is driving me a little batty. I'm a bridesmaid (this is my first really good friend who's getting married) and it's very strange for me b/c I'm the kind of girl who never really wanted a huge wedding. My idea of a perfect wedding (for me) is to run off and elope on a beach somewhere and then come back and throw a huge party. However, my friend N is a total girly-girl who is having a giant wedding in Michigan and then traveling to India (her fiance is Indian) to do it all over again a week later. Just thinking about it makes me tired. But she's getting married and next week, I will be visiting my friend Viv in LA and then hitting up Vegas with all us girls for a bachelorette get-together. With any luck, I may actually post a photo of my face on this blog. Only for comedic purposes, you understand.
...OK...back to knitting:

It's Delphine (Rav link), from French Girl Knits. Only I didn't get the pattern from the book, I got it from the Spring Interweave. I was trying to figure out what to make with some of the Vintage Cotton I had lying around, and this little tank seemed to fit the bill. I really hope that it fits. My bust falls in between the 2nd and 3rd sizes, but the pattern states that it stretches. Otherwise, I'll have to give it away.
And since I'll be on a plane for six hours at a time, I figured I should really plan ahead for some mile-high knitting. So I rolled this up to do a swatch:

And remember how I gave my Ene and North Roe shawls to my friend C's mum and auntie? Well, they took us all out for dinner:

The knitting is very pretty! I did have the big wedding and if we could do it all over again, we'd do it much smaller and saner. Sounds like you are going to be very busy with the wedding stuff. Enjoy! :)
Wow, I love the look of your Delphine.. I want to knit that one, too. I want to do it out of Alpaca-Silk, though, as I've never tried that yarn before. And 3 skeins I can afford - it's not available here, so have to order it from the UK. ;) But I'll probably get the same colour as your cotton! Such a lovely blue.
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