I know I've been a "bad" blogger. It's just that life has been getting in the way and this turn of events has brought with it the knowledge that I've been burrowing in my apartment over the past half-year like a recluse. OK, maybe not a real recluse, but a semi-recluse. I'm sorry for not keeping up with the knitting blogs I love to follow. I'm going through my comments and bloglines slowly but surely!
Along with this knowledge, my knitting fever has dampened somewhat. I still enjoy it, but it's not quite as pressing as it once was. I was spending way too much time on Ravelry when I should have been working. No one should be alarmed, though. I'm still knitting. I just won't be knitting with the same dogged determination of "Imustfinishthisrightnow." Turning 29 in the new year is turning out to be a swift kick in my rear end. That and the spinning class last night.
But here's some knitting cheer for the holidays:

Hollyhock Harvest Mittens
Pattern: Yellow Harvest Mittens, Vogue Knitting Fall '08
Yarn: Malabrigo Worsted in Hollyhock, 1 skein
Needles: US 9 DPNs
These were super quick to knit up. My hands were in sore need of some Malabrigo warmth and these mittens were so fun to make that I'm tempted to make more pairs just to have around.
I'm about 3/4 of the way through my brother's Christmas socks...
I'm about 3/4 of the way through my brother's Christmas socks...

Beautiful work! Happy holidays to you!
It's all very awesome, but those shoes, they make me happy too. Very happy.
My my, is that a Tangled Yoke I see?? ;) Great colour choice!
I know what you mean about the knitting thing. These past few months I've barely been knitting.. I've been cooping up in my apartment too. I need to take up more interests outside the home (though a couple inside of home would be nice too - like baking. And cleaning) so that I can get out and meet people that's not my boyfriend. :D
Best of luck in the new year - and oh, those mittens are rockin'. I may need to copy the yarn used! ;)
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