The "fried" in "Friday" is so completely appropriate that I can't help but be amused despite the dose of chaos life threw my way over the past week. My brain is fried, my immune system is fried, my creative juices are fried.
So, in order to get away from it all for a bit, I stopped by a LYS the other day and treated myself. Of course, I didn't
mean to treat myself. I went to get yarn for a toddler sweater for my niece, Caroline. Buying yarn is not bad if it is a present. Says the man behind the curtain.
And then, when I got there, they were putting out all this lovely new Koigu...and this one colorway was so beautiful that I couldn't resist its siren song:

I have never before seen a Koigu so blue. Blue in a good way. I really did not want to purchase more sock yarn since I seem to be building up a bit o' sock yarn stash. However, new-blue Koigu started talking to me and the conversation went something like this:
Me: Stop it, you temptress. I shan't give in to your seductive powers. I don't care that you are the color of the ocean in Bermuda in the springtime when the breeze is blowing and I am sticky with sand and sweat and saltwater.
Blue Koigu: I am so preeeeeeeetty. Look at meeeeeeee.
Me: Shut up.
Blue Koigu: I shan't! I am the sea personified. I should be gracing a Nereid. Where is my trident?
Me: I can't heeeeeear you.
Blue Koigu: I am so bluuuuuuuue. With flecks of teal and turquoise. I am vibrant! And wouldn't I make some lover-ly Pomatomatoes? Hippopomatomuses? What are
they called again?
Me: (hanging my head in defeat) Damn you.
Not two seconds later, I spy yet another beautiful Koigu. I am no longer in denial. I admit, I am a shameless yarn hussy:

My conversation with this one ran pretty much like the one above. Except this one kept telling me that it was a field of raspberries come alive. Or maybe a wine-steeped frolic through the woods with Greek goddesses. I yelled at it and then put it in my bag. I thought long and hard about what I plan to make with these and I think I've earmarked the Uptown Boot Socks in
Favorite Socks.
And, oh yeah...the yarn for little Caroline's sweater:

I didn't mean for the photo to come out oh-so-mysteriously, but the yarn was shy in bright light. Caroline (or Caro, as she is known in our family) is obsessed with Dora the Explorer. What four-year-old isn't? At least it's better than Barney. I am told that if I knit her a sweater with Dora on the front, she will never ever take it off. Until I can figure out how to chart my own intarsia pattern without it looking completely homely, I settled for making her the
Child's Placket Neck Pullover in a muted lilac that resembles the color of Backpack.
Now, I keep going over Rowan 42 over and over and over again and...I'm really crumbling over this one:

Rannoch slays me. This dress is really making me go all
Wuthering Heights. Only I want to make it in a deep purple. If I purchase all the yarn from Webs, it's still well over a hundred buckaroos with the discount. my defense, I don't really buy clothing that often. And it would be like walking into Bloomie's and making one big fall purchase, no? I keep hearing her calling to me, her voice echoing over the windy moors...
In actual productive knitting news, I hope to have two (count 'em,
two!) FOs to display next week. I've got half a sleeve on CPH to finish and half a sock to knit for the Charades. I say I need to finish these up before making any sudden decisions.